Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by Blackheart
If they do show up in rural America you can bet your sweet ass there will be plenty of cops around to protect them. They won't lift a finger to keep BLM/ANTIFA from burning your homes, barns, businesses or beating/killing you but they will make sure you get killed or locked up if you try to protect you and yours. Just remember, even though it might be hard at times, the cops are your friends.

Maybe where you live. Not here.

During the earlier mentioned assembly at the courthouse, a BLM Stoolie(white,we are 98% here) was walking around the crowd making video, pretending to
be a tourist who just happened through. She kept claiming to be scared of
People With Guns. Walked up to one of the Deputies there complaing about it.

He just look at her, "They aint doing nothing wrong." and turned away.

Lotta Patriots in town that afternoon, loyal to our community.
I'm glad none of them had to suffer injury or financial loss.
But there is a little piece of me that wishes BLM had Come on Down.

Posted details earlier, don't wanna do it all again.

This started with a long distance march, that stopped outside a home/business
at night. A rest stop, they were acting as urbans often do, but right outside a rural home. Of course there was an altercation, a BLMer fired a 9mm and recieved a face full of birdshot.

It took awhile, but our local boy was exonerated.

Fairly certain 7mmbuster went to school with him.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!