Originally Posted by Robb10238
I just traded into a 50s 270 SG that most would turn their noses up at. Marbles front and rear sights, cut stock with red rubber pad and old Leupold 3x9 scope. Traded an older model 29 S&W I’ll never use and am tickled. Grew up using a non SG version and foolishly traded it off for a German 7 mag Weatherby that was beautiful but kicked like a mule and patterned. Who says you can’t go back.

Robb, it's not that we are "turning our noses up" at some of this stuff. Some of you guys may think that and get butt hurt, but if we see something that is out of the ordinary and we don't say something and someone here buys it, thinking it's "all original" or "as described", then we've actually failed you. I'll bet if you post up pics of your rifle and it's a good looker, there are many of us that would appreciate that. We are not all collectors of only original rifles here, a lot of us actually get out there and use these things. We appreciate a good "shooter" as well as any collectible and always welcome eye candy here.

Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.