Originally Posted by Exchipy
Originally Posted by jwp475
Solider train for combat yet the first they experience combat some never fire their weapons some cry and others close their eyes.
How does one really prepare for such until they are actually have experienced it.
So, it’s from brave hero, deserving of thanks and a free drink, to inept conscript with a big mouth, unequal to his task?

The responsibility one assumes when choosing to discharge a firearm in public is indescribably huge. One absolutely must do it right, or be awfully damn lucky, and cannot expect a participation trophy along with a free pass for costly mistakes.

Be very careful.
That pedestal is very tall, falling is bound to hurt.

I hope to never attract the attention of a DA.
If I ever do, I hope it is one who lives in the real world, one who understands
that fantasy and perception are not reality.

I'm guessing that you are the type who would prosecute this guy no matter what.

Almost paralyzed with fear?
Reckless. Firing indiscriminately.

Standing on the porch shooting 4 or 5 people in the head, one shot each?
He couldn't have been truly in fear and shot that well.

Sorry Counselor,
Real life at 2AM, taking rounds, isn't a law school hypothetical,
or a Billy Bob Badass/Johnny Rambo fantasy.

You have had it explained to you by men (Not I)who have been on the receiving end
of a gun. Yet you cling to your fantasy.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!