Originally Posted by AGL4now
Originally Posted by ironbender
Where will you post it without pictures? That will be tough.

Got anyone nearby that can help?

Snowwolfe, said he and others are always looking for a good deal. My question is what is a "Good Deal" if the winner of that auction was willing to offer it for sale next week.....??? Lets say that exact firearm that just sold with 29 photographs, what is the good deal price next week.

A firearm is worth what someone is willing to pay, which is not much sight unseen. Such as the firearm you have listed.
A great deal would be 1/2 of what you could buy it for online or auction.
A good deal would be 500 less than a recent sale of similar item in a area where there is a market.
Alaska ammo does consignment, if you are inable/unwilling to move into current times, I would recommend you turn it over to someone that can and pay the commission.

FYI, not interested, need a backhoe

For those without thumbs, it's s Garden fookin Island, not Hawaii