Originally Posted by LeeC
My 86 Honda's were the first brand to have 4 wheel drive.
My father and I had some of the first two that were made.
we traded in 85 4 wheelers for 86 4wd.
I do not want the new high center 4 wheelers, with all the electronics.
These are horses, not fancy but there is a reason why their nickname is the tank.
99 pct, of what you see is from the factory. I will not buy anything excerpt Honda, but that's me.
I understand that other brands have had the same luck, but I can say I have never seen an old one like this out on the trails.
This Honda has seen the highest of peaks, and the lowest of valleys, thousands, and thousands of trail miles.
It has been submerged, up to the fenders in mud. It was not babied, just cared for.

The one I bought, I paid 600.00 more than the one I bought new in 86

I have a 2001 Honda Foreman 450 that has who knows how many miles on it. The only thing I've had to replace is the choke cable. I just gave it to my son for his HS graduation. It's going to get replaced with a Honda Foreman or a Yamaha Kodiak 700.

Camp is where you make it.