Originally Posted by SupFoo
Cash-strapped Americans are panic-searching "pawn shop near me." The search trend spiked to a record high at the start of July and is an ominous sign the consumer might be pawning items or selling things that were possibly bought during the Covid boom to raise quick money amid the worst inflation storm in a generation.

Let's begin by analyzing Google search data for "pawn shop near me." The search trend started surging in January and exploded higher in the last few months to record highs just days ago.

Hat Tip: ZeroHedge

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]
[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]
Things like this are the little things that people who are mistakenly saying everything will be fine, are actually missing. There are alot of things that indicate things are really bad and getting worse daily. Like credit debt hitting a trillion dollars, new record. Record amount of people drawing from their retirement. Many indicators of the coming storm