Originally Posted by fgold767
Los Alamos and shiprock are our two biggies...maybe up in Taos and Santa Fe....I spent 9 days in Artesia 15 years ago and a few hours in Roswell.....don't need to go there again!
Thanks for the thoughts.
The Los Alamos area can be interesting, scientifically and otherwise - someone earlier laid out a road trip near there - good advice. But, why is Shiprock a biggie? Not on most agendas.

Some of the best things to see and do in NM are far apart - in different areas of a large state. Those asking about time/place/interest are trying to be helpful.

Until recently, we lived in the Gila National Forest for 21 years and it was beyond fabulous for us. Most of the "Gila" in SW New Mexico is great for those who are heavily into outdoor life and grand vistas.

We worked hard at trying to explore the best of NM and found a lot to enjoy, but very little of that was in cities. Some locations are lowdown bad.

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