Originally Posted by bbassi
Originally Posted by goalie
Originally Posted by 44mc
with an xcal if you turn the scope that came with the bow down to the FPS it will shoot to the marks in the scope, turn down the fps nob down 1 time then shot the 50yard mark at 60 yard. if you play with it you can shoot to 70 80 plus yards

Lots of crossbow scopes do that. I zero'd my Vortex at 40 yards, then shot at 80, and adjusted the power ring/speed dial until POA=POI there, and verified at 20, 30, and 50. The reticle isn't too busy, and I like the illumination.

It was nuts on. I want too check it at 100 next time I'm out.

Shoot what makes you happy, but this statement is why many bowhunters resist including crossbows in "primative" or "restrictive" seasons. It's not bowhunting. it's rifle hunting without powder.
Like so many of those who hunt the muzzleloader seasons are still using iron sighted side locks ? Those compound shooters should STFU. If you're smart you'll restrict your shots with a crossbow to 40 yards. They're loud and still not fast enough so deer can't jump string.