Originally Posted by gunchamp
Originally Posted by bluefish
Originally Posted by gunchamp
Change my mind

How about begin by citing evidence to support your assertion. That’s usually how it’s done.
Egypt stated israel knew. Nothing gets by israel when it comes to chit like this. 7 hours and the military sat and did nothing even though they were in the area. Hamas was using phones to communicate and youre telling me israel wasnt able to intercept? We all know the deep state wants ww3 and israel is fully apart of thr deep state. Israel wants gaza as their own amd destroying hamas and eventually iran is a win for both. No one gave a chit about ukraine, but israel has a bunch of you all fired up and ready to let our children die to defend. You tell me how this isnt what happened

In fairness you are drawing a conclusion without real evidence. Who actually knows what the IDF knew or did not know or when? It’s conjecture isn’t it? As a Christian I believe and accept Israel as the history or of the Jewish people.I also accept Hamas as a known terrorist organization which has no place among people. From that perspective I hope the IDF cleans out the hornets nest in Gaza and then flattens Tehran as a proactive step.

The way life should be.