It's absolute, indisputable FACT ...

that a very large percentage of American citizens are severely indoctrinated and emotionally controllable.... with a predictable outcome, on an as needed basis for current events set on the world stage in front of the hypnotized

This applies to all ..... Be they Democrats/Liberals ... Republicans/Conservatives etc, etc & etc .....

All the puppeteers have to do is pull the right emotional strings and that triggers outrage from the selected flock of sheep and the puppeteers get the desired outcome and full support of their efforts, even if it means slaughtering masses of people indiscriminately, the sheep have been conditioned to react and support genocide and all actions taken against the perceived "enemies" as acceptable and just

We saw the zombies react with the Ukraine/Russia war, it was crystal clear that the propoganda had stirred the desired reactions the puppeteers planned for

Now we are seeing the same results with the Gaza/Israel orchestrated production of events

And of course, these indoctrinated zombies (on both sides of the current conflict in play) believe that if you don't think like they do, then you are on their "enemies" side

What they don't know is their "play" buttons are being pushed and strings are getting yanked, sending them into prearranged reactions

Dance bitches ...... it's your turn now !

....[Linked Image from]

"The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants".