Originally Posted by simonkenton7
Originally Posted by KFWA
I worked in Camden, NJ for a week. The place I worked was across the street from the jail. I would look out and see people standing on the street using hand signals with the people in jail to communicate, supposedly according to the contractor, for drug deals. This was maybe 2003ish?

The contractor has a special arrangement with the city for people working 3rd shift. They didn't have to stop for red lights in town between midnight and 5am, because of the likelihood of them being shot or carjacked.

so, you know.....sounds like a great place to live and work.

I was taking a load from Laredo to Camden in the big rig in 2014. The way my schedule was running, I could have driven until 11pm and parked at the terminal in Camden, and slept there in my truck for an 8am unload. I often did that at terminals in Laredo, South Carolina etc.
I called the terminal in Camden at 4pm to ask if I could park out front for the night.

The secretary gal said, "Don't you have a wife and a mother who want to see you alive again? Because if you do, you don't park for the night in Camden."
Hell I had never been to New Jersey before but I took the lady at her word and arrived there at 9am instead. Driving around Camden is an unbelievable experience, 48 percent nigs and 47 percent wetbacks, it has the highest crime rate and the highest rate of drug addiction of any city in the US.

I saw over 3,000 abandoned houses and apartment buildings. Camden was the most prosperous city in America in 1945. Huge shipyards building destroyers for the Navy. World HQ for Campbells Soup, and RCA records. New Jersey is The Garden State and they shipped those tomatoes to Camden to make soup. Camden had a race riot in 1970, the nigs burned half the city down, and all the white people with jobs left.

Camden today is a nightmare.
I think I spoke to that lady in 2010 or so and she told me I would be safer to park at the rest area on the turnpike for the night

there is no man more free than he who has nothing left to lose --unknown--
" If it bleeds we can kill it" Conan The Barbarian