Originally Posted by HeavyBarrel
Sorry guys I traded it off. Was not going to spend the xtra dollars on ammo to get to where I could trust gun with my life. Traded it to local gun store with full disclosure. I am sure with their buying power that if there is an issue they can get it resolved.


I had to do the exact same as you earlier this year. That M&P 2.0 10mm 4.6 looked great laying in its gun case, but wasn't worth it on the range. I had magazines fall out from the bullets pushing the exposed mag release spring aside while cartridges were being fed through. Thumb wasn't even close to the release button. Failure to feed correctly, aplenty. Trip back to S&W, they sent it back and I honestly thought they fixed it, because it was shooting great! But in no time, it went right back to it old shenanigans.

I traded it in locally for a Glock 20sf and have had zero problems