Originally Posted by ihookem
Maybe Jimmy Swaggart is telling "his people" that. However, I dont pay enough attention to any of those to know.. I'm almost 61 yrs. old.. Been going to church all my life . The last 20 yrs. I asked God , that if I don't understand something , to give me the wisdom to understand the bible... If he doesn't give me wisdom to understand , then how can that be my fault? Therefore I read the bible and listen to no man. I still teach Sunday School for 4 to 10 yr olds at church, listen to worship , but rarely listen to the message. " I watch my own bobber."

So, this is what that sounds like to me. “I don’t listen to other people’s message. I read the Bible and figure it out for myself. Then I go give my message (in the Sunday School run by people you don’t listen to?) to a bunch of impressionable 4-10 year olds.” It would seem more consistent to me for you to teach the kids to read and then give them a Bible, unless you are insinuating that your version of the message is the correct one. If that is what you believe, you are competing with everyone else who has their personal interpretation of the Bible, which includes organized religions, Swaggart, and the guy who misheard the message about the crypto thing.

I’m not saying that you are not well-intentioned, but that’s just weird. It also is part of the reason why I think the real truth is really unknowable as long as ancient texts and mere mortals are involved.

"Don't believe everything you see on the Internet" - Abraham Lincoln