Canada is.....dysfunctional at best. A huge,vast country with more resources per capita than pretty much anywhere. A once self sufficient country that has frittered away economic independance, our patriotic social identity, our military, our borders, our manufacturing, immigration policies, et al., tied up and strangled by regulation and wokeness.

Canada has abandoned any vision of independant destiny in favor of Globalization. Globalist billionaires have been allowed/invited a heavily increasing influence in domestic gov't policy. They see nothing more than a pile of resources for the taking and a gov't that thrives on shiny trinkets, beads, pat on the head accolades and is giving away the farm to get them.

We are at a point in history where if we don't take measures to reclaim our independance and self sufficiency we will be overun by outside interests. Globalists have set foot on our shores, already have their hands in our pie. It needs to stop. If we don't assert control of our destiny we will lose it. We will then understand how Native people felt when whites showed up and they welcomed these strange newcomers.. History repeats itself, quite apparent we don't learn from it.. It's happening right before our eyes. We are being lied to and decieved.

Edit to add, It has come to the point we need to protect the country from our government.

Last edited by bushrat; 02/15/24.