Originally Posted by RHClark
I am still considering different handguns for light weight carry. I've heard disparaging remarks about the new Smiths. What if any issues do new 38sp Airweights have? If an older model would be better, what years should I look for? Does anyone else make a better-quality light weight 38sp?

I recently bought a NIB 637. I've only put 37 rounds through it so far (testing different loads) and dry fired it (on snap caps) a couple of hundred times. So far so good.
I'm going to carry it with a handloaded 125 gr JHP at 948 fps. Shoots to POA at 7 yds.

Do I qualify as a geriatric Fudd at 71?

Last edited by GregK; 02/26/24.


NRA Life Member, 1990
Life Member, NYSRPA
Life Member, Saugerties Fish and Game Club
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Second Amendment, U.S. Constitution (1791)