Nah, I don't have no fights bud! At first 2012, my team had some brawlers. That got straighted out darn quick. Then again in 2017 when I bought 6 new mals.

Nowadays, the selective breedings and progress, it's like riding a wave that I can't pass to anybody. No fights at all.

That one brute that bit me on accident, he's now my lead dog and getting towards the tail end of his career. He's a funny old man. I let this latest litter loose to visit all the adults. They chase the old man right into his dog house. 2-3 pups will pile into his house after him. Poor old man! He grumbles, but he wouldn't hurt any of his puppy team mates.

Other time up in kotz, a loose race husky jumped on his back while he was in harness. Nose to the trail like an arrow, he flung that husky 4 ft into the air and kept running.

2 years ago, while running in harness, a cocky junior male locked onto his face with a death shake. He simply tucked his head and veered that big boy into the deep snow. Floundering and getting drug, the junior dog had to focus on regaining his footing. When the old lead dog felt that junior had cooled off, he let him share the packed trail again.

Not much has changed, same old same old bud.

Like Las mentioned, sure do miss it up north. But this massive groves of Alaska birch, gosh that can't be beat. Can't have it all I guess. Perfect world would be massive stand of birch, sheefish and caribou right out the window.

Anyhow, who wants a darn puppy? Have two more left, only keeping 5 total. Better grab one, before I get attached to the adorable little buggers.