Wind isn't all bad. I like watching the ravens play.

The Arctic, where I've spent some time, doesn't get much snow, technically being a desert. What it does get, gets used several times. Whenever the wind switches, it gets used again. smile

Had short power outages a couple times recently here on the Kenai. Love my on-demand generator! Keeps the coffee warm.

Areas on my sidewalk and driveway have been swept clear down to glare ice. I need to spread a little sand there. The dogs like the windpacked snow for getting around the yard, ("There's Wabbits out there!")

And that might be partially due to the brush piles still around from some clearing last summer, both on my lot and on the state park land adjacent. The owls are probably a little grumpy about it tho.

Last edited by las; 03/03/24.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.