Originally Posted by Hancock27
I work part time at Bass Pro. They stock what Corporate sends, Managers have zero say in what arrives on the truck.

What arrives is what sells: T-shirts, and candy. It's a huge corporation and makes billions a year, so I'm sure they're really concerned with what a guy with $50 gift card thinks.

Hard to keep people employed for some reason? I've been there a year and am leaving soon because I want to enjoy retirement, not live around a work schedule.

As far as prices: When everybody has to make $15 an hour, prices go UP because everyone has to make a "living wage" and everyone has a lot less buying power or disposable income. But that's OK because the clowns in DC are convinced all is sunshine and roses.
I worked part time at BP too. Hired on just before black Friday and worked Thanksgiving day. It was the worst job I ever had. I was coming off 31-1/2 years as a fireman, the last 12 years as a captain. They treat new employees like it's their first job ever and the training is crap. Just enough to cover their ass. At the end of orientation day we were taken into the office and shown our work schedules. I took a look and said I had a doctors appointment and I can't get out of it. Some fat lesbo beotch hears this, turns, around and says I should have requested the day off two weeks ago. I said, really? I'm here for orientation. She just put her head down and went back to what she was doing.
Another time I was asked to fill in for someone. I said sure, and initialed the schedule worksheet. When the official schedule came out I wasn't on it. I figured things changed and I wasn't needed. That weekend I went in to buy something and everybody was looking at me like I was Charlie Manson. I was told I was a no call, no show. A couple weeks later my manager wants to give me a write up for it. I had taken a picture of the posted schedule and showed it to her and told her I wasn't on it. She shows me another schedule and I call her on it as now there are 3 schedules. I told her in my last position I worked, one of my responsibilities was staffing for our battalion, 8 stations, 12 pieces of equipment, 38 bodies every day. When brush fire broke out I had to staff everything with wheels and some were special skills positions. Maybe 50 people, all on short notice. I told her I say this not because I was perfect at it. Sometimes wires got crossed and I had to scramble to get a body in place. Mistakes happen. Nobody called me to tell me there was a schedule change. She backed off, said she would give it another look and I never heard another word.
I could go on and on. I had my knee scoped and it wasn't going great. I sat at home over Black Friday weekend and thought, WTF am I doing working? I missed lots of holidays from a real job. I spent 2 Thanksgivings on brush fires FFS. I went in on Monday and quit and haven't worked since.

Fight fire, save lives, laugh in the face of danger.

Stupid always finds a way.