Agree 100% with Okie John……..
My Pact skyscreen chronos were great……
Until the wind came up….. or if the sun was low in the sky…….. or the clouds rolled in….. (which sometimes helped!)
If you buy a skyscreen model, set it up as far from the muzzle as the cords allow. Muzzle blast has a negative effect on ES/SD. Too close and both numbers are skewed.
The Garmin is so easy and always works. I take everytime i go to the range. It has never once failed to record a shot. It is a significant improvement indeed.
I set up both the Lab Radar and the Garmin to compare……… velocities were within 5 fps of each other. A huge thing for me was the Garmin picks up shots from suppressed rifles. The Lab Radar did not.
FWIW: the Garmin is the way to go.