Real interesting thread going here. I got another tale about my team leader at work, back in the early 1990's. He was driving a tractor through a one lane pathway in his woods, hauling a small trailer full of firewood, when he spotted the top of a big rack on a bedded buck sticking up out of a brushy area not too far off to the side of the road. He just kept driving like he hadn't seen anything, and got home, fetched his slug gun and stalked back into the woods with the breeze in his favor. Said he couldn't get a clear shot from that direction until he still hunted close in, and he was able to shoot through the brush at less than 10 yards. I forgot where he said he hit it but it never got up. I recall seeing a picture and it was either a big 8 or 10 point rack that was also real high, which is probably how he managed to spot it while going by.