My collection of everything from ML to Saturday Nights is inventoried and commented on as to utility and value. They and the loading stuff is for my wife's needs if something untoward happens. I have already noted the consignment shop nearby who will handle all the showing, and they are honest about it all, I have bought 4 or 5 guns there from consigners.

There are a couple guns I have I would sure to like to talk to. All I know is one (a '23 Remington 30) has been cut shortened for a (boy?), and then has spacers added, professionally. The other is a 99 from '52, almost cut up by the widow until she thought better of it. In my imagination these were someone elses treasures through lots of good hunts. The two things I would like is: to know where and how it was used, and then have the previous owner know that someone else treasures them, too.