To add to Charlie's recent posts: The name was carefully considered over a period of 24 hours or more (is that a plug, as long as there's no campfire burning?). We tried it first on my wife Eileen, who is patiently sitting in Montana amidst the snow, waiting for me to quit playing down here in southerh Texas. Her immediate reaction was: "It sounds like b-------t to me."--exactly the reaction we hoped for. Nobody will ever forget the name. Charlie and I have been watching other wildcatters for years, and have learned a few tricks.

The cartridge's justification is to save precisely one-half inch over the 9.3x62. That is the difference between the loaded rounds. Of course, some shooters will want to chamber it in a longer action, to gain that extra powder space. We ran some calculations already, and figure the long-action version would gain about 1% in velocity. That tiny margin has inspired many other wildcats, as well as investments on Wall Street, thousands of nose jobs, and inflation.

We hope to field-test the 9.3 BS in June, on prairie dogs in eastern Montana. If it proves adequate there, we'll move on to larger game: Teddy bears, golf carts, stretch Hummers--one of which we spotted in front of a hotel in Houston the other day.