I gave up on dowell rods.I made a tripod affair with 3 pieces of half inch aluminum tubing about four feet long.They join five inches down from the upper end with a leather thong run thru holes drilled in the tubing.Enough slack is left to allow the lower ends to be spread apart with the hieght determined by how wide the sticks are spread.One of the sticks has the lower end bent at about a 45 degree angle about six inches from the end and the upper end shortened by a couple inches.This oddball leg rests between my knees while I sit on my little stool and the vee of the sticks is very steady.
Obviously my sticks are not quickly deployed but I can drop to one knee and use them as a single stick.I covered them in camoflauge tape.
As soon as other hunters see them they don't ask me to build a set for them.In fact,they sort of look at me funny.If they didn't work so good I'd throw them away.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place