Dead of summer your going to be a little more hit and miss on trying to keep elk around, they have places to go, things to do.

Really, everything is green now, lush and elk dig it.

Elk also like to be about as hi in elevation that gives them good graze. It's cooler and fewer flies. The hotter the higher, they also go more nocturnal.

An old Elk Guide showed me a place were just the tops of grasses were eaten off, he claimed that bulls need the proteins more, and cows need more carbs, grass leaf and stem to make milk, he may be on to something?

Dead of winter, elk can and will kill horses to eat there alfalfa.

Elk tend to like burned off areas as it releases more nutrients back into the soil.
Fertilized your place well, keep things watered and lush and you will see more elk.

Clinging to my God, and my guns!