I've followed the Benoits and their changes in equipment for a long time. Got two of their books, etc.
The only ones that use scopes, of any kind, are the ones whose eyes are getting pretty bad.
Scopes are a very valuable aide for most situations in hunting. But almost all of their bucks are killed on the run, up close, in very heavy cover. At 50 yds., or less, a scope won't do anything for you on a running animal. Assuming you can easily see the sights.
As far as long or short barrels go, that's a matter of how you like your rifle to handle. One thing they do, which I think is an excellent habit, is they shoot alot. Often at thrown targets, etc. During their off time, even while in their hunting camps, they shoot. Sometimes they need to go to town and buy more ammo.
These guys have always impressed me as being very practical hunters. But rather than buy some expensive promotional item, I'd much rather have their books. E