Originally Posted by cfran
A lot of guys will likely buy guns like this and then fail to understand that it won't help them shoot deer. Fact of the matter is the Beniot's are excellent woodsman and their ability to still hunt and read sign is outstanding, this is what sets them apart. Very few hunters have the skill to hunt as they do, that is fact.

Concur. If you want a gun like the Benoit's use - visit a local pawn shop and pick up a beater 760 or 7600. If you want to hunt like the Benoit's, plan on devoting your life to hunting whitetails. They're really, REALLY good at it. I've read their books and admire their devotion, knowledge, and, frankly, the willingness to share.

That said, it's obvious their core competency is hunting whitetails and NOT the design/aesthetics of a shootin' iron. If my mission were to trick out a 7600 and make it as gawd awful ugly as possible, it'd look a lot like that, except with the photo in the link, if I were to stick a 50mm on a 7600, I'd have the decency to affix see-through mounts on it. grin

Hope it works out for them.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]