grinNow I gots ta say a few tings!! TLee is one of the coolest guys!! Sassy and Greenhornet are absolutely fantastic folks!!! Every one of the Campfire denizens is a good to share a real backwoods camp with. Steve NO is a real Class guy. WGM, Ready on the Right, Hell, I couldn't say enuff about how cool this bunch is. Pat and Sean had the snot running with their comedy act. Our youngster Jon is no surprise to me. The Caryona folks are great. Yep, this wuz a gathering of Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves!! I FINALLY got my Roy knife and it is the best gift from a friend that ANY man could hope for!! As soon as I get my camera back from George..... grin

Be afraid,be VERY VERY afraid
ad triarios redisse
My Buddy eh76 speaks authentic Frontier Gibberish!
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