Originally Posted by alpinecrick
Originally Posted by JacquesLaRami

How is a capitalist rancher on private property supposed to compete with that? Especially when they get those leases for nearly nothing and get to "count" their own cattle when they settle the grazing fees. When they fill the salebarns with cattle, they knock the heck out of the price of beef, and we had to pay several times what they did for pasture if we lease it. Most of you would be flabbergasted as to the size of the wild herds that could be sustained in the high country if the cattle hadn't of grazed it all off.

Once again Brad, you come through with a truth--most of the larger "ranches" in the Rocky Mountains today are owned by the wealthy who want to play cowboy--and they take advantage of the taxpayer as much or more than the former ranch owners who were just trying to make a living off the land.


Typical Communists both of you - Instead of questioning whether or not the Gov't should even own such vast proportions of our land, you pretend to hide behind libertarian ideals and blame the people who are smart enough to take advantage of idiots like you who allow the Gov't to own everything.

Envy looks so good on Commies.

Last edited by BarryC; 12/30/09.

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