A couple of years ago while turkey hunting I came across 5" cat tracks. It turns out I was about ten miles from the guy's farm who's cat just had him for lunch!! The Co I talked to about this was certian the guy let his big cats out for excerise! So it looks good on him flippen sob!!grin

However like N.B. there is plenty of food here in S.W Ontario to support cougers I not convinced all sitings are escaped excotics and boviease. A fella here raises walkers for bear hunting and he's had his dogs one them. I've have seen the plaster casts he's taken. One set has big paws followed by little paws. He is certian it's mom and kit. I also know a farmer I've worked for known most my life tell me he wachted a couger stalking turkeys in his back 40. He is a very knowledgable and well educated man, his testamony of what he saw I believe. Black bear in Oshuawa and young bull moose in Sarnia, animals are always on the move so why not cougers around here?