I head shot 'em for years . Then one evening an eatin' size shoat came up to the feeder and I had my 270 Roy with 130XXX in front of some 7828 . I could have head shot him easy enough since it was only 120 yds and I was in a blind but he offered a perfect broadside shot .

I remembered how we stuck hogs when I was a kid and reasoned I could duplicate the sticking with the Barnes . I waited until I had the right angle and tried for the top of the heart and he dropped right there .By the time I walked down to him , the heart had stopped beating but it had pumped a bunch of blood out before it did .

I've had 300 lb hogs flop for a long time from head shots . I remember one that , I swear , turned half a dozen complete flips with his hind feet getting at least five feet off the ground and he was still jerking when I had walked the 200 or so yards to him . He was a " Walk on by " .

I shoot eatin' hogs at my corn feeders so I can be selective .Others are targets of opportunity . grin

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place