Originally Posted by huntsonora
Originally Posted by AndyG

Look, these outfitters are in business to make money, bottom line. They manage the land to produce big bucks. The more you can afford, the bigger buck you can shoot. And anyone who thinks that these outfitters don't have a caravan of SUV's patolling the land with spotting scopes and radioing to each other are kidding themselves. Thats's how the shooter finds a buck like this on 600,000 acres. That's why I said "another record buck was bought". This guy had enough money to pay the outfitter to shoot the biggest buck on their land. And yes, I feel this way about anyone who would rather pay money to be led to a monster buck, than to work hard and be happy with what his work panned out.

It was killed on public land dumbass

You really think that the outfitter "managed" and "grew" this buck on public ground so a rich client could come and kill him? You should really not comment on things you know nothing about.

You have to draw this tag and anybody that drew that tag had an opportunity to hunt this particular deer. There was nothing exclusive about it.

Reading comments like yours make me want to puke

You show me where it says the deer was shot on public land. I can show you where it says the outfitter that the man paid, controls over 600,000 acres. Which any dumbass like you can figure out, if a man is paying me enough to shoot a world record, I'm taking him to the private land, not public. PS, you're insults draw away any quality reasoning you have, it only makes you look like a country bumpkin.

Never be upset by getting old, many never get the privilege.

Knock knock. Who's there? 9/11. 9/11 who? You said you'd never forget.