there's a big difference between legal and moral rules for adults too.

I try to follow the moral rules even if it means ignoring the legal rules on occassion.

sports especially involving kids are the same for me, I'd rather err to the side of above board than sneaky pete, if nothing else for the example it sets for the kids.

it was perfectly legal for us to play against shorthanded teams this summer, but I wouldn't allow it.

tis the great thing about this life we all get to make choices and if you're not revulsed by the man you see in the mirror I reckon it's all good. but I try and hold that guy to a pretty high standard

I don't know many folks that are as insanely stupidly competitive as I am, tis why I've avoided coaching my kids, kids are supposed to have fun, not get yelled at, after all a man has to know his limitations.

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.