Originally Posted by hunter1960
Originally Posted by CAMONICK
money making hollers started with shine went to weed and have now progressed to meth, but all 3 are quite common in the mountains of WV,VA

That's an interesting point, i've seen four different generations, that have been involved in criminal enterprise here in TN. I've met the 1st gen. moonshiner of the family who's in his eighties, sold illegal alcohol during the 50's, 60's, 70's.

I've met the son of the moonshiner who's in his late early 60's. He grew and sold MJ in the 80's & 90's, that along with stealing cars, and selling the parts.

I've met the 3rd gen. who's in their late 40's, who has been involved in both MJ, Meth. along with car/parts thefts.

The 4th gen. is primarily into selling Meth. and prescription Meds. and has no problem boosting a car, if need be. This all within the same family. The entire family have been professional criminals. The Southern version of the Sopprano's.
It seems like it's getting worse, compadre. Moonshining was just worthy of a giggle from folks. Pot growing, a bit worse, mainly due to its association with dirty, stinking, filthy hippies. Meth...mainly seen by common folks as the territory of true degenerates. Prescription abuse has been with us a long time and it seems like the history of it has yet to be written. It seems that we live in the Chinaman's proverbial, "interesting times".