Congratulations on joining the ranks of archery hunters!

I agree with posters suggesting looking at used bows. Specifically something around 2-3 years old with adjustable draw length and 50-60lbs(i.e. Hoyt Katera XL w. adjustable cams, original PSE Bowmadness X-Force, Bowtech 101st Airborne even a Tomkat would do the job)

Buy it right. $400-500 Make sure you get something that has been maintained and comes with a few solid accessories that you want. Condition of strings and cables is important.

Another option is cruising outdoor shows. Stop at archery shop booths and many of them will be blowing out last year's bows at their cost or below. Excellent deals to be sure, especially if they are a local pro-shop that you can rely on for service as well.

If you are going to be dumb - you've got to be tuff.