I've had a bum back for years. Already had two surgeries. Now they are talking about a selective nerve block.

I've had all the above mentioned drugs plus Robaxin. None of them ever helped the pain. And some just made it seem you didn't care about the pain but it was still there.

The only drug I ever took that relieved the pain was Cyclobenzaprine. They relieve the pain without knocking your junk into your watch pocket. I take one a day and am doing pretty well. The only bad experience is muscle stiffness.

On Monday I am talking to the Surgeon and will go ahead with the Selective Nerve Block. I am also looking at Physiatry, thats where a really educated Physical Terriorist works with you on an excersize program. I am going on 75 years and don't have much physical exercise at this point and don't care about exercise anymore. Walking long distance is pure Hell.

I was in the Military when anybody who had back problems was said to be riding the sick book. Hence you got little care and that is why my spine is in the beautiful shape it's in right now.

Well good luck to all you back pain sufferers. I hope we can ALL find a way to better health.

Best wishes, Bill