Originally Posted by Reiche
but less of a mess that if I shoot through the lungs and then a couple shots in the rump as it runs away.

very rarely does a deer I shoot take more than one shot. the few times it has, the second wasn't needed as they were hit well and were still on their feet by chance. I have never tried to put a couple shots in the rump for good measure or otherwise. tends to take away from the whole shooting an animal for meat thing. but thats just me. the couple of times I have shot at a running animal was either I knew I could make a good hit, or it was wounded by someone else and they enlisted my help in getting it. but in regards to the lung shot question, if I see its a good hit and know its a good hit, I won't shoot again, unless the animal is headed for some nasty terrain and need to put it down before it reaches there, happened once with an elk. most deer I shoot drop really fast. but I use a .243 mostly so its expected smile

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