Originally Posted by Paul39
I have enormous admiration for skilled metal craftsmen. Although I have a good mechanical aptitude, I never developed it into a trade and made a living at it. My own limited repertoire came from an adult ed. class in lathe and mill, i.e., just enough to be dangerous. I have a cheap mini-lathe, which has proven to be indispensable, despite its and my limitations.

My own life and career have taken several twists and turns. I met and married my present wife when I was in my mid-30s. Her late father was a master machinist who ran a precision grinding business, and over the years added to my meager store of knowledge. I've wondered if my wife and I had met earlier, if I might have gone into the trade and business with him. I believe I could have been happy and successful doing that.

Keep on making swarf!


But could your liver handle it?

That's a question every toolmaker has to ask himself before embarking on the career.