I figure everybody does what suits them best. My tastes are certainly far enough into left field,that I have a very good understanding,of being in the minority. That must suit me,as that is the direction my passions lie.
<br>Anyhow,what someone else does,really is none of my damn business,as long as they are playing within the legal guideines or being maliciously stupid/wreckless/dangerous. That leaves much latitude,for a myriad of variables,as I doubt there are two guys anywhere,that do anything the same,in regards to Hunting/Shooting.
<br>I come sniffing over on this Board,hoping to gleen some insight. My hopes are that after the mandatory feeling out process,someone will chime in with some good info that is new to me,in the area of shooting at a distance. The extreme side of killing critters at a distance doesn't personally appeal to me. However,the equipment involved sparks my curiousity,as shooting long has always intrigued me. I can appreciate the dedication and the choice in equipment,that will help a guy yield optimal results. Thus far,there has been damn little of that,but I'm sure after some time the focus will come back to the heart of the matter.
<br>I figure live and let live,unless someone is an obvious Troll,simply bent on stirring the [bleep]. They gotta go. Barring that,variety is the spice of life.
<br>Your mileage may vary...................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."