Originally Posted by AkMtnHntr

Anyhow, I think LSU will beat them again and win an undisputed NC.

man you must have watched a different game than I did! shocked

one helluva an athletic interception. without that 1 play happening it's easy for me to envision exchanging Bama for the LSU talk going on currently

I don't think this game is a gimmee by any stretch

and while I'm not a fan of Saban, I think he's a damned good coach, there'll be a wrinkle or two I'm thinking

past performance is no guarantee of future results, but it's the best we got.

Bama is the only team I've seen hang with LSU for 4 quarters

imo we're apt to see the best two teams in CF slug it out for the NC

though I feel bad for OSU

anyone ever thought about having a playoff system? blush grin

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.