One of my friends fairly high up in the CA Dept of Fish and Game told me about 20 years ago, after the woman running along a bike trail was attacked and killed by a mountain Lion, that she was literally eaten alive. ie, she was still trying to fight off the lion after it had settled down to eat her. Real Majestic animal right. The public was never told the gruesome details and I always thought that was a huge mistake, this happened just before we voted in the famous proposition to ban mt lion hunting. What it is going to take is for someone's little kid to get eaten, not fluffy, that's not enough for the wacko's here.

I have had no less than two CA Fish and Game Wardens tell me to shot a lion if I confronted one. Just don't try to remove it, or take a picture of it. They know the lion population is out of control in CA, that's one reason our deer herds are down, but remember, real environmentalists dont care about game animals, because they hate hunters, etc, that's the real reason they love the inability to hunt lions in CA.

But for all you CA bashers, funny how you didnt win your battle on the reintroduction of the wolf.......How's that working out for ya?