Thanks for all the suggestions.
I'll try to make it out this week to try the two powders I have. I'll check back in and report how it went.If they don't look good, I'll go pick up a pound of something else.

I loaded up some rounds. To hit the lands, I'm at 3.460. To fit the mag, I'm at 3.4. That's a big jump. Oh well, I'll see how it goes. My Kimber 308 jumps more than that and does well.

Today is beautiful,and with light wind. (Rare for here.) I can't drive because of eye problems and can't get a ride out to the range today. Having a new (to me)rifle and not being able to shoot it yet makes me feel like a carrot is being dangled right in front of me!

The never-ending flight
Of future days.
Paradise Lost. Book ii. Line 221