<br>The best I ever had was hunting quail over a brace of English Pointers.
<br>These days it would be one of the following at least once per week:
<br>Shooting a couple of rounds of skeet.
<br>A range session with the handguns and metalic targets
<br>Shooting bug holes from the bench with my favorite .222 varmint rifle.
<br>A little fishing in one of the local lakes for bass, crappie, or catfish.
<br>During the summer when there are no hunting seasons open I waste time... I mean get therapy by going on backpacking trips, fishing trips, and shooting little varmints. I must be a mess, I require so much "therapy" [Linked Image]

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke 1795

"Give me liberty or give me death"
Patrick Henry 1775