Well, the top one is a Haenal Aydt match rifle in 8.15X46.
It is missing the orginal rear sight however, but the one that is on it works well.
Shoots well, but the last owner ( a memeber here) doesn't have time for it and does not shoot targets much anyway, so he gave it to me.
I have the dies and brass fro it , of course, and a bunch of proper sized cast bullets.

The second is an original Highwall in 38/55 that I bought from a another member of Canadian Gun Nutz.

I have a lot of providence on the rifle, when it was made and shipped (1907), when the stock was chamged, etc.
You see, it was shipped with its original #4 taper barrel and single set trigger that is on it, but with a shotgun style stock.
it was re-stockeed in the mid-50's by an Ontario gunsmith , and my CGN friend shot it when he was a member of the Canadian single shot rifle Association.
I have several molds for it, the original, and another that was owned by Jack Secord, a well know single shot shooter back in the day.
I have shot it with both BP and with light smokeless loads at 100 and 200 , and it shoots very well.
The scope is a Unertl, but the sight is a receiver redfield that is glued on - not screwed, so one day I shall take it off , and install a proper tang sight for it.
Both rifles are fantastic examples of their type and I feel very fortunate to be able to have and shoot them.:>)

scopes are cool, but slings 'n' irons RULE!