Many good suggestions above. I would add that many of the starter kits from Cortland, Scientific Anglers ... etc are very good. From what you say about your intentions , I would look at a kit with a 4 pc. fly rod from Cortland. Easy to pack and transport. There are many entry level graphite reels that would suit your purpose. You do not need a reel with a sophisticated drag system for fishing small streams and lakes.

Suggested flies:

Flies Sizes
Parachute Adams 14,16,18
Renegade 14,16,18
Red Humpy (Goofus Bug)14,16
Elk Hair Caddis 14,16,18

Nymphs (larva)with or without bead head:
Gold Ribbed Hair's Ear 14,16,18
Pheasant Tail Nymph 14,16,18
Prince Nymph 12,14

Wet Flies:
Wooly Bugger black, olive 8

These are just a few of the bazillion choices there are in flies. Along with many regional variations in style and color. These are some of the flies I am never without. The underlined is the preferred size.


A person who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes the person who never asks is a fool forever.

The worst slaves are those that put the chains on themselves.