Originally Posted by dogzapper

An old bull can be pretty smart.

The ones that used to give me fits were the old-bitch lead cows. After our paid hunters were all filled-up and happily gone, I used to make it my goal to kill one of those wise fourty year old buggers.

And I would, but it was a struggle. They'd always be "grinders;" sausage, pepperoni and hamburger.

Then, we'd kill a bull calf for our steak meat. They are "round" when viewed from stem or stern. Head shot and you've got some real eating meat.

The bulls, especially old bulls, tend to be pretty darned smart, but they are also rare, so that makes them more difficult.

For my money, it's the wise ancient herd leader, the lead cow with four decades of experience under her belt that is the smartest elk of all.

Funny thing. Occasionally, I've had a bunch of guided hunters lined up on a herd of elk and I'd ask them if I could brain the lead cow. When I explained the situation, they'd always say "Yes." I'd blow her brains or carotids out and she'd dump right there ... the remainder of the herd would not know what to do.

Their leader was gone and they'd stand for a little, or mill around and stand. Meanwhile, my guys would kill what they needed to. And maybe I'd be asked to help if a guy or two had problems getting their cows to stay down.

Kill the lead cow and you're Golden.

God Bless,


The lead cow is the last elk i'd kill, unless you want the meat. I don't like sausage, or jerky.

Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a hunting license and that's pretty close.