The last week has been a whirl.

We saw Portland's finest doggie oncologist. She was totally convinced, because of the ultrasounds, that Lib has bladder cancer. Dr. Freeman suggested a change in anti-inflamatory/pain killer and that we have Libby checked endoscopically.

In PDX, we are pretty lucky; a world-class vet who specializes in minimally-invasive endoscopic surgery is right here! So, we have an appointment for this coming Friday. Dr. Tim McCarthy will run his tiny endoscope up and into Libby's bladder. He will photograph while he is there and he will snip lots of the tumors away. The samples will give us a clue as to what "stage" of cancer Libby has.

No matter what, Libby would get the finest care possible. After all, unconditional love can only be answered by the finest help we can give.

Also, and happily, we've covered the last several decades of Scotty dogs with VPI Pet insurance. And in Libby's case we also bought the Cancer Supplement. VPI has been absolutely fabulous over the years.

And when it comes time to say good-bye, our vet, Dr, Kristen Shaw, does home calls. When the bad time comes, Kristen and our favourite vet tech, Dona, will come to our home.

Libby will be in famiar surroundings and in the arms of folks who love her totally. We'll have a little cuddle-time and love all around. Then, when we have to do the bad-thing, I will hold her in my arms and tell her, "It's alright, Lib, we all love you and it wil be just fine."

Then, Kristen will carefully insert the IV and ask me to nod when the time is right.

Minutes later, I'll nod and Libby the Wonderdog will begin her journey to the Rainbow Bridge. She will be stroked and loved and whispered to all along the journey. Libby will slowly and gently leave us.

She will always be in our hearts, but we will have to wait until we see Libby the Wonderdog on the other side.

But in the meanwhile, we will fight for Libby's life with everything we have. And when she is not having fun being a dog, then it will be the time to say good-bye.

Tears are coming, and some now ... and Lib will leave a dog-sized hole in our hearts.

May God Bless All of You,


"God Loves Each Of Us As If There Were Only One Of Us"
Saint Augustine of Hippo - AD 397