Originally Posted by Scott F
Thanks my friend. That is great.
Indeed, sir.

And I think there are a lot more of us old veterans that may not die from old age - instead die for one last service to the country.

Originally Posted by frogmanjim67
T. Lee,
Liked the subject matter on the old vets and the seeming attitudes they have when confronted with losing freedoms and having their rights encroached upon. Something I can totally relate to along with driving the train for Jane Fonda along with thousands of others like me.
Seeing my country vanishing by the day is unnerving to say the least. Listening to Reid and Pelosi demeaning vets and elderly who have given their lives to this country brings the hair up on my neck for sure, but the stealing of our rights by executive order and yelling he has the mandate because he stole the election and that gives him permission to do so..... NOT.!
I know for sure, after being shot twice, that I can be killed, but the price that will be paid will be steep. Old but very determined to keep my country and my rights and certainly my private property.!! JIM Lloyd, FROGMANJIM67
And I'd be proud to stand right with ya..

Welcome to the 'fire sir..

Ex- USN (SS) '66-'69