Originally Posted by boarguy
Originally Posted by kutenay
It is individuals such as "CS" here and on other forums, who constantly feed this hatred with their false and provocative threads/posts on the "siberians" and so forth. I have him on "ignore" and I intend to keep this as I have had enough of this crap for one lifetime.

Some scientists/researchers claim to have found a link of the North American Indian to Mongolia, hence they refer to them with the much more befitting term "mongoloid".

The specific haplotype, oh gawd, there is 2nd. year bio, again, wink that the Mongolians and Siberians share is very common among many Asiatic ethno-groups. The presence of this genetic marker is probably the most factually reliable means of determining WHO was WHERE and,to some extent, WHEN, that science currently possesses. It assists us in that it tends to demonstrate the fundamental dishonesty of the claim by aboriginal racist terrorists that they somehow were "created" here in North-South America.

Much the same work to investigate European ethno-sources, has in recent years shown the genetic relationships of the Celto-Norse-Germanic peoples who REALLY founded Canada and the USA and these facts are routinely ignored and suppressed by "white" politicians, bureaucrats and others with an agenda. These include the BCTF and other union activists, "non-traditional" immigrants, ESPECIALLY Sikhs and run of the mill social leeches such as "immigrstion consultants" and "loy- yers", who prefer to amass personal wealth to doing the right things for Canada.

The worst cases I have yet encountered in specious "scholastic" works, are two books, "Stolen Continents" by Richard Wright, AN ENGLISHMAN and another book, "Red Earth, White Lies" by a radical aboriginal, Vine Deloria,JR., who is now deceased, no loss to suffering mankind. Wright, btw, is a buddy of Farley Mowatt and that tells all one needs to know about his veracity.

Funny, how the most trouble-making individual on this or any site I have ever visited, will make false, nasty and infantile personal remarks, but, also PMs me at New Years, professing friendship........forked tongue and all that, I guess.

In any event, boys, THIS is IT, the beginning of the final phase of the war to control Canada and anyone who thinks that these terrorist parasites will now become quiescent after a few ludicrous meetings with the G.G., drums, feathers and ignorant savagery included, is "whistling past the graveyard".

Already, many of the activist, foreign newcomer-to-Canada groups, see "Ghadar", the murderous Sikh organization that sent the spy ship, "Komagata Maru" to BC, almost a century ago, is openly supporting this illegal and immoral series of actions.....and, the Communist Party of Canada, is right there with them.

The danger to OUR Canada, "The Peaceable Kingdom" and the most successful and decent democratic nation in human history is obvious........what should we do?