Ducks: wood ducks primarily. great numbers of ducks, but they liked to come in with 5 minutes left of shooting time. regardless, having my kids with me (4 yr old boys and 8 yr old girl) to witness waves of hundreds of ducks was priceless. Shot some nice ones including one that is in the taxidermists freezer as we speak.

Geese: Another great year with the kids. Same field as the woodies. Limited out quite a few times.

Pheasants: Shot 1 bird prior to Nov 15th cuz of elk, deer, and waterfowl hunting. Late season in MN was great, finished with 18 wild MN birds. Good, not great bird numbers. Any rooster shot after Dec 15th in MN is a trophy and we rocked birds the last 2 weeks of the season. I love hunting them in the dense willow swamps full of snow. Awesome! South Dakota was not as good as years past, but we were out there late and the birds were shot to ribbons before we got there.

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.