Just like to hear a bit about what equipment you've come to appreciate as you've matured (IE gotten older).

I'll kick off

*a good set of walking sticks

*my Kenetrek boots. I have terribly challenging knee's. 5 surgeries, basically no cartiledge and getting my feet into this brand has been a real gift. My Hardscrabbles, and my Mtn Extreme's have kept me going when other boots wouldn't.

*my 7x42 SLC's. Far and away the most user friendly glass I've had the privaledge to be around.

Looking forward to hearing what goods you all like.

Maybe we can keep from going into a bunch of "BG" (ballistic gack) on this thread. Maybe... wink


"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy